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February 28, 2018.

Brussels, Belgium. Management Centre Europe (MCE) and the Sustainability Management School (SUMAS) in Switzerland kicked off their collaboration and officially launched nine programmes on Sustainability Management Training scheduled to run in Brussels, Frankfurt, and London starting in June 2018.

The selection of Sustainability Management Programmes were developed with two main objectives, states Patrick Faniel, Managing Director of MCE “on the one hand we want to help businesses spread awareness of sustainability across business units. On the other hand and for those companies which are further down the sustainable path, we want to provide them with hands-on tools that will help them assess the impact of their actions in terms of sustainability”

With that in mind, MCE and SUMAS have built a curriculum of nine courses, all of which focus on hands-on examples, business cases and practical implementation. The added value for business people is that in just 3 intensive days, they get a full understanding of sustainability and what it means for their business.

The Sustainability Management Curriculum

In detail, the Sustainability Management Curriculum consists of two introductory courses:

Fundamentals of Sustainability Management
Responsible Management Practices and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
And seven focused courses:

Sustainable Innovation and Turning Sustainable Development (SD) into a Competitive Advantage
How to Communicate Sustainable Practices to External Stakeholders
How to Become a Convincing Leader for Sustainability
Green Marketing an Integration of Sustainability into Branding
Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Green Production
Sustainable Finance

Log on to for more information about the dates and locations of each of the programmes. Contact us on the phone number +32 (0) 2 543 21 20 for specific questions and/or requests to run these programmes in-company.

About MCE: Management Centre Europe, as part of AMA Global, is a leading Learning and Development provider in Europe, Middle East and Africa. We inspire more than 1,000 organizations and over 10,000 managers and leaders through our Open Enrolment Training Programmes and our Customized Learning Solutions each year. We have been in the EMEA region for 55 years and our team of Learning and Development professionals can support you to achieve the impact you need at individual, team and organizational levels.

About SUMAS: SUMAS prides themselves on their experience accumulated over many years training international students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds in the Swiss education. SUMAS is an internationally accredited business learning centre considered the pioneer and the reference in the sustainability topic teaching and training area.

Dr. Ivana Modena, SUMAS President, presenting SUMAS at the Kick Off Meeting

Dr. Hans J. Bender talking about Sustainability Management

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