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sumas webinar series

March 3rd 2022

1.00 PM CET

Natural Evolution of Company Fundamentals toward Sustainability

with Dr. Hans J. Bender and MBA Alumna, Óonagh McArdle

Key content points

  • The role of innovation in sustainability
  • Approaches to implementing sustainable business practice
  • The role of competitive advantage
  • A balanced approach to sustainability – at global, societal, corporate levels
  • How to get started
  • Identifying the opportunities to create your business roadmap
  • A career in sustainability
  • Inside the SUMAS MBA



  • Is the MBA suitable for well-experienced professionals as well as those mid-career?
  • As an online student, can I attend on-campus campus and events?
  • How would you advise SMEs to approach sustainable business practice?
  • What professional advice can you give after a BBA?
  • Any advice in preparing for the MBA?
  • How is the content of the MBA program applicable to different industries?


Watch the full webinar

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