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Our programs in Sustainability Management offer in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of business administration, its challenges, and how to strategically incorporate sustainable practices into everyday business operations.

The aim of these programs is to help you understand the challenges faced by executives, and provide you with a competitive edge that is required in today’s global business environment.

Here’s everything you need to know about our programs in Sustainability Management:

What can you study?

Our on-campus SustainabiityManagement programs include: 

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (undergraduate)
  • Master of Arts in Management (graduate)
  • Master of Business Administration (graduate)
  • Doctorate of Business Administration

Our online programs in Sustainability Management include: 

  • Master of Business Administration (graduate)
  • Master of Arts in Management (graduate)
  • Doctorate of Business Administration

While the level of expertise for these courses does differ, some key similarities exist across all Sustainable Management programs and set the program apart. These include:

  • Develop long-lasting leadership and intercultural skills
  • Be exposed to practical experience during experiential camps, field trips, and visits to international organizations under the careful guidance of experts.

When do courses start?

Our on-campus programs begin in February and September, while our online courses offer a more flexible schedule beginning in January, April, July, and October. If you would like to know more about studying online please click here. We also offer hybrid programs, combining the on-campus and online experience.

How long is the course?

Our on-campus undergraduate program is 3 years long, and our on-campus graduate degrees are one year long. Our online programs aim to give working professionals the flexibility to balance work and studies. These programs are 15 months to 3 years long, broken down into 6 terms. 

How do the courses work & what do they entail?

Our teaching methodology is predominately interactive based on role-play activities and in-class discussions of cases and videos. During your studies, you will work on business projects with leading executives in organizations and will be invited to company presentations and conferences. Online resources and electronic communication platforms are utilized to enable paperless classes.

Our Bachelor in Sustainability Management is taught in Gland, Switzerland and Milan, Italy, and is not offered as an online program. This three-year program aims to develop your leadership and intercultural skills. Through this program you will be exposed to practical experience under the careful guidance of experts. Undergraduate students can choose to take an additional optional year to be guided into your career path and engage in an internship.

Our Master’s degree in Sustainability Management focuses on building connections to industry experts, academics, and sustainable managers from across the globe. Through this program we aim to grow your entrepreneurial skills. This program will result in increased networking opportunities to help you find the best job opportunity that fits your profile and skills. At the end of the program, students can take a second optional year and engage in an internship in a corporation or an international organization.

SUMAS’ unique MBA in Sustainability Management  is predominantly a professionally-oriented education that aims to address today’s sustainability challenges. Designed for all professionals in corporations, nonprofits, and governmental agencies demanding sustainability knowledge and practice. Through this program, students learn how to apply innovative solutions to complex work environments. At the end of the program SUMAS students can choose to take a second optional year and engage in an internship in a corporation or an international organization.

SUMAS Unique Teaching Methodology

Both online and on-campus students will engage in practice-oriented projects that are guided by academics, consultants, and professionals. These projects are part of SUMAS’s innovative teaching methodology which includes video conferences with leading speakers in organizations and in-class company presentations. These activities not only encourage knowledge sharing, but also provide valuable opportunities for networking to enhance your career development.

Hybrid Learning

While our bachelor programs are only offered on-campus there is the option for our graduate programs (MAM and MBA) to be a hybrid of both online and on-campus learning. The aim of the hybrid course is to cater to the needs of working students balancing work/home life, whilst still aiming to receive a more hands on learning experience. Our hybrid learners are given 3 years to complete the program. If you would like to know more about our hybrid programs please email

Apply now

Our programs in Sustainable Management are an opportunity for you to advance professionally, and to develop new skills related to sustainability for your future career. Apply now, or if you would like to learn more about SUMAS programs please email us at

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July 12, 2024

SUMAS Alumni Series: Broadening the Pathways for Transition of Ore Based Steel Production Industry Towards Lower Carbon Footprint – July 22nd 2024

Join us for this unique webinar, where we will delve into the fascinating world of sustainability, green buildings, and the unparalleled experience of studying at the Greenest Campus in Europe…
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